What's new

We have long been committed to the vision of changing the guitar industry as our world changes around us. We all know it is time for change and in order to keep you all informed as to what we are...
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Needless to say, we love aluminum. We may be a bit biased but we aren't the only ones who have taken notice. Giants of industry like Gibson and PRS amongst many other companies have moved to utilizing aluminum in many...
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Nebula Classic and Nebula DX series Guitars: The Nebula Classic and The Nebula Dx are our flagship guitars that exemplify the Aluminati ethos. Every aspect of our Nebula Series Guitars are fine tuned with you, the player, in mind. We...
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We get a lot of inquiries as to the playability of our aluminum guitar necks. Off the bat compared to wood there is no better or worse, only different and we like different. That being said, we have our preferences and...
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We are proud to unleash our Andromeda aluminum bass necks into the world! After a solid year and change of R&D, and a great reception to our pre-order release, we are now accepting production orders on these fine aluminum bass necks! Weighing in at only 2.5 pounds and coming in 11 fresh colors with a lifetime warranty, you can't lose.
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