What's new

We have long been committed to the vision of changing the guitar industry as our world changes around us. We all know it is time for change and in order to keep you all informed as to what we are...
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We will keep it short and sweet. Our Nebula aluminum guitar necks are light weight, durable, fast and fun to play!Have you ever experienced a guitar neck that sets your hands free, allowing the mind/body connection to become fluid and...
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While we love aluminum through and through, our number one goal is to create the most efficient product that suits the player. After years of developing different variants of aluminum necks and trouble shooting issues like weight and tuning stability...
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30k Views in 48 hours! That ain't shabby folks! We are so excited to start out the new year with this awesome video from Phil McKnight of Know Your Gear, reviewing our Aurora 6-inline aluminum guitar neck! For those of you...
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We want to acknowledge that while we have not gotten out unscathed in 2020, we are grateful for being able to push forward in a time where so many have been stopped in their tracks or in many cases sent...
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